New & Notable


U.S. Army, Lockheed Martin detail SBOM progress

Despite muddied regulatory waters and industry angst over technical stumbling blocks, enterprises are forging ahead with SBOMs, according to presenters at a recent CISA event.


Platform engineers embrace secrets management tool

Pulumi's ESC, now GA, filled an automation gap in multi-cloud identity and permissions management for platform engineers well-versed in general-purpose programming languages.


SecOps' new frontier in the remote work era: HR

A CISO shares the story of how his SOC staff caught and contained a North Korean agent posing as a software engineer, saying he hopes to raise awareness of a growing threat.


What's the role of an application load balancer vs. API gateway?

Application load balancers and API gateways both manage network traffic. Learn the differences between them and how to use them together in a modern IT deployment.

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